Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Government Makes it Harder Out Here for Pimps

It just got harder out here for a pimp.
According to a CNN article, if the government has its way, pimps, prostitutes and other sex workers may be taxed for their labor.
The measure is headed up by Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa. He says “it’s a no brainer to have the IRS go after sex traffickers.”
"Recent headlines have focused on sex trafficking in connection with the
World Cup in Germany," Grassley said. "This vile crime is under our noses in the United States, and it's a no-brainer to have the IRS go after sex traffickers. Prosecuting these tax code violations can get these guys off the street and yank from their grasp the girls and women they exploit."
But the road to taxing sex is not without pot holes. Although pimping and hoeing would be taxed, the world’s oldest profession will still be illegal in the states. In spite of this, Grassley calls it, "yet another alternative to track the money flowing in this industry to get at potential criminals."
If a pimp is caught in violation of the law, he/she can face up to ten years for each prostitute that doesn’t have a W-2.
No word on when the powers that be will vote on this issue.