Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Return Of The Count

Dwight Farrell, aka Count Bass D, will release his fourth full-length album on FatBeats Records. Entitled Act Your Waist Size, the album is filled with 20 genre-defying tracks that serve as further proof that the Count has never been one to linger within the confines of convention in the cut-and-dry music industry. On “Act Your Waist Size”, Count Bass D once again demonstrates his unique ability to showcase various styles in a hip-hop context. In addition to his trademark boom-bap and instrumental tracks, he reinterprets two 19th century standards, sings a self-penned ballad, and offers his own version of the southern sound. Lead single "Junkies (Hanging Out At The Store)" (To Download Click Here) rides on a laid back southern bass line while new-wave keyboards percolate over the top. Second single "Internationally Known" (To Download Click Here) comes in at just under 2 minutes and features Count flowing over a jazzy glissando loop backed by toy-like drums. Given the success of artists like Outkast and Gnarls Barkley, it's clear that creativity from a rap artist can be embraced by a larger audience, but you won't find Count Bass D worrying about such trends. No, he's busy just being one of many musicians trying to make it in Music City USA, and he's doing it his way. Act Your Waist Size will be released nationally on FatBeats Records on October 17th