Thursday, January 18, 2007

Masta Ace Forms New Group

EMC is a crew you may or may not have heard of. Masta Ace, Stricklin, Wordsworth and Punchline have created this group and they are now prepping their album release. Last year, Words spoke to us about this album and the preparation for it. Now, it seems they have gotten back in the lab and have some more news to share.

Stricklin has updated the group's
Myspace with some news on the LP. For starters, the crew is already mixing the LP. It should be out later this year.

Although the group's made up with four critically acclaimed MC's, they have also enlisted some featured acts to help out on the album. Expect appearances from Sean Price. According to Strik, you can also expect Little Brother to appear on a track titled Traffic.
Production for the LP will come from
usual suspects such as Ayatollah and Marco Polo.