Wednesday, December 13, 2006

?uestlove Don't Sleep

?uestlove, drummer for The Roots, is a busy man these days. Besides embarking on a European tour this past month, ?uesto put the finishing touches on the Randy Watson Experience (?uestlove and James Poyser) as well as a new version of Pharrell's recent In My Mind LP. ?uest and Poyser replayed all of the songs with live instruments for Skateboard P and added a few of their own touches to the original album. Pharrell's version was met with both lukewarm reviews and sales. P is no stranger to reworking entire albums from scratch, he did that previously with the first N.E.R.D. album, which was originally all Neptunes standard production (The commercial version featured live instrumentation). Look for the new version in early '07.